* S * H * I * N * Y *

The Soundtrack of My Life
Photo Page/6 Pictures
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"We live in a rainbow of Chaos." ~ Paul Cezanne.

The beauty of nature inspires the art of man. As the glorious colors of the sunset behind the silhouettes of trees gives relief to the tedium of a long journey, so does a work of art, a poem, or a song give joy during the long journey along the path of life.

Art can ignite the last spark of courage, urge on muscles burning with fatigue, give hope where there is no natural reason why there should be any. Just as nature will always find a way to send its shoots poking out from beneath pavement, art will emerge and encourage us to find our way.

Art is the chocolate we can eat without guilt; art is the wine we can drink without excess. We are all artists. Forget that your classmates made fun of your drawings, forget that your friends told you couldn't sing, forget that you know you can't dance. Laugh out loud. Leave your mark. Sing your own song. Dance for your life.

On this page, I might describe common threads among my photographs or talk about the themes I try to explore with the camera. I'll also include one or two representative photographs on this page.

A tree in autumn; Size=240 pixels wide

Thanks for dropping by and taking a look at my photos. Please get in touch with any comments or reactions!

Art along the path of life...